Current projects

Current projects

Diversification of INNpuls services by establishing the Technical Training Centre.



Implementing the project called “Diversification of INNpuls services by establishing the Technical Training Centre” will enable INNpuls to offer new specialist services of technical training and technical language training. At the same time, the implementation of the project will allow for increasing the accessibility of specialist training in the region and thus will improve competetiveness and innovation of the Podkarpackie companies.
This project is implemented within the Podkarpackie Regional Operational Programme 2007-2013, Priority I “Competitive and innovative economy”, Measure 1.2 “Business environment institutions”.
Total project budget: 782 104,77 PLN
Grant amount: 491 152,90 PLN
projects list
Copyright INNpuls Sp. z o.o, Sąd Rejonowy w Rzeszowie, XII Wydział Gospodarczy KRS 0000301870,
kapitał zakładowy: 119 500 PLN, NIP 813-35-40-225, REGON 180306937
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