Current projects

Current projects

Technical training enabling R&D knowledge transfer between the scientific sector and companies



This project aims at supporting the Podkarpackie aviation industry, which is the first smart specialisation of the region, by offering the aerospace companies the possibility of free technical training for their employees. In order to intensify knowledge transfer, training will be conducted by researchers involved in research and development projects for industry. Training support within this project is addressed to the aviation sector companies and their sub-suppliers. Within the project, 500 training posts will be created in 5 topics: CAD, CAM, CAE, CNC and technical metrology.
This project is implemented within the Human Capital Operational Programme 2007-2013, Priority VIII “Regional human resources for the economy”, Measure 8.2 “Transfer of knowledge”, Sub-measure 8.2.1 “Support to cooperation of scientific environment and enterprises”.
For more information visit
Total project budget: 1 348 884,80 PLN
projects list
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